Think it's time to work on those rings! I have another one pinned and ready to sew. Maybe just one set before I fix this. I did manage to get caught up on both mysteries and work on the rings, so I guess that's a good thing. Both mysteries have a star theme (weird.....). I am motoring along on all the projects. I need to finish the last row of frogs on Gage's quilt on the long arm frame and get another one on there. I have about 9 days to meet a personal goal of getting another quilt finished before the children have to go home. I may not make it....I don't want to give up any more time than I need to with them!
I think I'll get back to it while it's quiet. Have a wonderful day. Please post on Facebook or the blog. I enjoy hearing from you. Thanks for your prayers for Shane, he still has two fractured vertebrae from chemo induced osteoporosis, but is doing ok as long as he obeys the doctor's orders. Do something you love!
quilt piecefully,