Have you ever had one of those days where you just have to stop and say, "Oh my!"? Well, Tuesday was my day to do that. It started with a reasonably early manicure, which I will say I enjoyed as it has been quite a while since I had one last. Then off to the fabric store for a couple of minutes of retail therapy. Back home and sit on heat for a while, by now my back is really sore. Shane gets home from the airport from dropping Rachel and the kids and we have some alone time to decompress from three weeks of full on energy. We went to have a nice quiet lunch after dropping the Jeep off for it's service. Off to the drug store to pick up some prescriptions and home again to dig out after a visit of grandchildren. I finally walked into my studio at 5:00 and had another "Oh my!" sigh as I looked around and saw the mess left behind after entertaining said grandchildren on their sewing machine in here. I am not sure they left one scrap unturned looking for that perfect piece for their current project!
In the process of tidying the sewing table, I finished putting together part two of the Bonnie Hunter mystery. I knew I would be way behind with Hunter's surgery and following visit with the grandchildren. I am not doing too bad, considering the "reveal" was given on January 1, 2015. I am only about 4-5 weeks behind! I have all of the next clue cut and strip pieced, for cutting down and easy block construction. Then to put it all together. Easy peasy! I can finally see the table!
I hope you have a great day. I plan to spend most of it in my studio. We will need to go pick the Jeep up from the shop this morning (they needed it longer than expected, the shocks were shot!) and church tonight, otherwise....you'll find me in my studio! I did laundry yesterday, so that's done. Just need to clean bathrooms and empty the dishwasher! Please post on The Crafter's Thread or Pieces Squared pages on Facebook, I love hearing from you. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you.
You inspire me,
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