Here were my choices for the paws. I had five different ones, Shane narrowed it down to these two (black and rust). I decided on......well, I guess you will just have to wait to see!!
After I finished cutting out the teddy bear, I cleared my cutting table. I am all ready for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt that started at 7:00 EST this morning. It is called Grand Illusion and is on She also has a Facebook page, Quiltville Open Studio. It will be very fun and I am anxious to start. I have several bobbins wound, a new needle in my recently cleaned and oiled machine, a new blade in the rotary cutter, and I have the fabric all nicely stacked here on the side of my cutting table. Bonnie's quilts are scrappy and controlled all at the same time. It's going to be fun!
Have you ever bent a needle while you were hand-stitching? This is the needle I threw away yesterday. I was shocked I could do that (didn't think I was strong enough). I was having trouble with my needle not coming through the fabric where I wanted it to and stopped to look and this is what I found. I bought a pack of this particular brand, hope they all don't bend! Is this the brand or content of the needle?? I am not sure I have ever bent one before. Wrong gauge for the job? wrong material?... I am bamboozled.
We have had a great response to our Facebook page, The Crafter's Thread. It seems to be growing and I love the inspiration I find there. You all encourage me with your beautiful work on various crafts. I LOVE IT!! Whatever you are doing today, I hope you enjoy yourself and stay safe out there. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you.
happy crafting,
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