Oh my goodness, have you ever just let your "space" get so cluttered you couldn't work any more?? Well, that's where I was Monday afternoon. I just had to dig in and get it all organized again. I also designed another teddy bear, cleaned and oiled my machine, and got more melons done on the wedding ring top. I got the laundry caught up from the weekend, had a nice lunch with my honey, and cleaned a bathroom and the kitchen! Not a bad day, I guess!
I just wonder where we would be if we couldn't erase???? I think I had more eraser confetti than anything else when I tried to clean up! Hmmm, does that say I am pretty bad at my hobby? I guess it really doesn't matter as long as we are having fun, right? I will post pics as I go along. I will also post pics of the wedding ring top. It has come a long way.
Enjoy your day, take some time for yourself. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I think it helps us to stay sane in a crazy world. We really need to unwind and spend some time doing the things we love. When our grandchildren are here, I spend all day with them, nothing else matters!!! Let the dust go, the laundry will still be there tomorrow, enjoy what you love! I am thankful for the time I have to play.
Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you and your comments. I enjoy hearing from you.
quilt piece-fully,
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