Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.............

Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Beginnings

With the beginning of a new month, comes lots of project updates.  I am working on a Quilt of Valor project from quitersnewletter.com that comes out on the first Wednesday of every month.  This block is block 10. The blocks all have come from very early issues of the Quilter's Newsletter magazine.  This block was from issue 3 in January of 1970 and was originally called Delectable Mountains.  All the blocks are made in light blue, dark blue, and ivory so far.  We have red fabric and a couple other blues set aside for the borders. I think it's going to make a nice donation quilt for Quilted in Honor or Quilts of Valor. This project is free.

I also keep up with Pat Sloan's block of the month project, "Globetrotting". She does a different block each month.  This month we are making the last four squares (all the same) and next month we will put it all together.  If you would like to work on her next year's project, she will be giving the fabric requirements in December.  This is always posted on the internet on the first day of the month.  I found it on freequiltpatterns.info  I hope you'll join me. Again, this pattern is free.

Date night was fantastic.  It was so nice to have a couple hours away from the responsibilities of children and home stuff! Seems like the work never stops though, when you get up in the morning, the laundry pile is still growing and the floors still need cleaning. Oh well, it is nice to have a wee break.

Getting back to the wedding ring quilt now. I took a morning break to make the above block. I have a couple more circles done and put together.  At least I am watching what I am doing now and they are all going in the correct direction!!!!!

Thanks for reading, hope your day is fantastic. Post pics on Facebook or on the blog, I enjoy hearing from you. I love our crafty community.

quilt piecefully,


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